song592146035 发表于 2019-8-10 12:21:27



David F Hamilton, PhD (Reviewer 2): Thanks for inviting me to review this revised submission. This is an improved manuscript and the authors have dealt with most of the issues. I do think this is a worthwhile paper highlighting a changing practice at a hospital in China. The analysis is a bit simplistic - its probably somewhat under-powered and co-linearity of variables is not well controlled. On balance though, if taken as something of an exploitative analysis, this is quite reasonable. I would certainly recommend stating this exploratory analysis however.

I also recommend being a bit more circumspect about the causality of these 'significant' associations. Ultimately, I think a lot of these factors probably cluster and contribute to the overall effect of reducing LOS with time. I still have something of an issue with the year of admission analysis. I think this is really a surrogate for the change in pathway. I would also recommend addressing this factor not as a linear variable but by dichotomising prior to and following 2014 - where the major change happened - you can then explain this as the formation of the physiotherapy team etc

song592146035 发表于 2019-8-22 19:13:35


2.他说让我对the causality of these 'significant' associations谨慎点,这个是啥意思呀,是少用significant吗?

3.审稿人一直觉得我的数据分析under-powered and co-linearity of variables,但是我做共线性诊断的时候并没有发现共线性,我回头就这样回复他应该可以的吧?


song592146035 发表于 2019-8-22 19:15:01


2.他说让我对the causality of these 'significant' associations谨慎点,这个是啥意思呀,是少用significant吗?

3.审稿人一直觉得我的数据分析under-powered and co-linearity of variables,但是我做共线性诊断的时候并没有发现共线性,我回头就这样回复他应该可以的吧?


admin 发表于 2019-8-22 21:39:30

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